"I can tell you of an important new result I got recently. I have what I suppose to be a completely general treatment of the revealed preference problem, which will give a fresh setting for the related work of Samuelson-Houthakker-Uzawa. Calculus methods are unavailable. The methods are set-theoretic or algebraical." -- A letter from Sydney Afriat to Oskar Morgenstern, 1964
GRID Method
Slides to accompany Revealed Preferences over Risk and Uncertainty (with John K.-H. Quah and Ludovic Renou).
R Code
- ccei.R -- Computes the Critical Cost Efficiency Index (CCEI).
- garp.R -- Checks the Generalized Axiom of Revealed Preference (GARP).
- rand.x.R -- Generates uniformly random consumption data.
- sgarp.R -- Checks the Symmetric Generalized Axiom of Revealed Preference (SGARP).
- warshall.R -- Constructs the transitive closure of a (direct) revealed preference relation.
Stata Package
rpaxioms -- Introduces the Stata commands checkax, aei, and powerps as a bundle within the package rpaxioms, in order to empirically test a number of revealed preference axioms, including GARP, SARP, and WARP (type ssc install rpaxioms in Stata).
The Workshop on Applications of Revealed Preference (WARP) was an online workshop held during the summers of 2020 and 2021, which emphasized empirical applications of revealed preference analysis (broadly defined). WARP's aim was to bring together applied practitioners, econometricians, and theorists working in the area, and applications had a natural view towards addressing empirical questions through the analysis of data, be it experimental or field data. The programs are here: WARP 2020, WARP 2021.