Recent Working Papers
Ever Since Allais (with Aluma Dembo, Shachar Kariv, and John K.-H. Quah), 2024. Reports an experiment that nonparametrically tests the entire set of axioms on which expected utility theory (EUT) is based, and finds that within-subjects departures from independence are small relative to departures from ordering (completeness and transitivity) and/or monotonicity with respect to first-order stochastic dominance (FOSD). Working Paper: DKPQ 2024. Appendix. [Revise and Resubmit, 2nd Round, Journal of Political Economy]
Money Pumps and Bounded Rationality (with Joshua Lanier and John K.-H. Quah), 2024. Explores money pumps in relation to (departures from) economic rationality. Working Paper: arXiv:2404.04843.
Unpublished Working Papers
Rationalizability, Cost-Rationalizability, and Afriat's Efficiency Index (with John K.-H. Quah), 2024. Establishes a definitional equivalence between rationalizability and cost-rationalizability under mild conditions, as well as an observational equivalence within the context of finite data, furnishing support for a natural interpretation of Afriat's (1973) critical cost efficiency index (CCEI).
A Lattice Test for Additive Separability, 2018. Establishes necessary and sufficient conditions for a finite data set of price and demand observations to be consistent with an additively separable preference, with an empirical application to panel data on food purchases.
Demand Analysis with Partially Observed Prices (with Ian Crawford), 2016. Demonstrates that demand analysis remains feasible in the presence of partially observed prices, even while agnostic about the nature of missing prices.
Ambiguity Revealed (with Ralph-C. Bayer, Subir Bose, and Ludovic Renou), 2013. Derives and implements revealed preference tests for variational preferences, maxmin expected utility, and subjective expected utility.